Rowena Carr
Founder, Trustee, and Safeguarding Lead
“Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes yet”
L.M. Montgomery
Rowena is a passionate, energetic and generous hearted person who believes that every single person deserves the opportunity to be accepted for who they are. She loves nothing more than settling in with a strong cup of coffee and some cake or biscuits and putting the world to rights with anyone who wants to join in.
Rowena works for the NHS, and before that spent 5 years supporting people affected by dementia to live as full lives as they possibly can. She knows that with the right support people can achieve whatever they set their mind to. She ran singing groups, activity sessions, reminiscence themed sessions and coffee mornings among many other things.
Rowena is no stranger to the struggles of life and this gives her a unique perspective on the barriers people may face in getting to where they want to be. There is no obstacle too big to get over or around when you are surrounded by supportive people! Her passion in life is to support people and encourage them to be the masters of their destiny.
A keen supporter of local initiatives, Rowena supports her local boxing club as Welfare Officer and also helps out at a Handball team; she loves keeping busy and loves a challenge.
Rowena is a founder and trustee of the charity, and her vast knowledge and experience in safeguarding both adults and children meant she was the perfect choice for our Safeguarding Lead. She always has a keen eye on what is developing in the area and is always looking to further develop her knowledge and skills.
Her current qualifications and training include :
BA in Applied Social Care Studies
Btech level 3 in Awareness in End of Life Care
Btech level 3 in Awareness of Dementia
TQUK Level 2 in Awareness of Mental Health Problems (RQF)
Btech Level 2 in prevention and control of infection (QCF)
Intermediate Counselling Course Level 2
Introduction to Counselling Level 1
Triple P Parenting Programme Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor An Introduction to Autism
A Life Worth Living Suicide Prevention Emotional Resilience
Mental Health First Aid